Religious Education, Author Nurullah Altaş, (Nobel Publications, 2022), 433 pp.

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Religious Education, Educational Approaches, Religious Education Institutions, Religious Services, Non-Formal Religious Education


"Religious Education" has come to a certain point as a result of various discussions, researches and experiences from past to present. In his book, the author has clearly written about the issues that need to be developed, although he has included many concluded issues. In the book "Religious Education", which he states that he created with the feeling of taking religion seriously; he has brought awareness to his readers by stating his concerns about the future. He has touched upon the changes from the past to the present in accordance with the content of the subjects. He aimed to deepen the learning by specifying additional sources to his articles enriched with various researches.  When the content of the book, which stands out with its unique titles, is examined, it is observed that it is designed in accordance with the fourteen-week academic period. The author has included many topics related to religious education in his book. It is possible to say that religious education studies in Turkey are at the forefront in the book. How religious services are understood in our country, what has been done in this field, the trainings given in religious institutions and organisations such as Imam Hatip schools and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the fields of these trainings, the contents of the religious education programmes given in the institutions and the regulations to be made in these contents, the results of the applications made in the name of religious education in our country, the religious education activities carried out or intended to be carried out in this field from past to present, the discussions related to the field and the opinions of the author within the framework of these discussions are included. The author, who evaluates and discusses the field of religious education from an objective point of view, has analysed the subjects under many headings in order to make this education the most efficient. He also included the reader in the subject by asking questions or using discussion activities. As a result, this book has been a useful book that undergraduate students can examine, which gives a perspective on the issues discussed in the field, creates awareness of the methods applied, and at the same time aims to take a picture of today by interpreting the academic information about "Religious Education" in contemporary life.



How to Cite

Tercan, E. (2023). Religious Education, Author Nurullah Altaş, (Nobel Publications, 2022), 433 pp. Tanım Tenkit Teori, (1), 41–47.