Teaching the Names of Things to Hz Adam (a) in the Light of the Names of al-Alîm and al-Hakîm

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Tafsir, Ta‘lim al-Asma, Caliphate, Al-‘Alîm, Al-Hakîm


Qur'an, after the verses explaining that Adam was appointed as the caliph, he mentions the event of ta‘lim al-asma.  Ta‘lim al-asma is mean that all names were taught to Prophet Adam. Prophet Adam received this information directly from God. It is an occurrence that supposedly demonstrates Prophet Adam's supremacy. In actuality, this is a circumstance that demonstrates all of humanity's superiority in both person and standing in relation to Allah. Almighty God created man in a unique way, planted the seeds of different abilities in this human spirit, and has assigned him great duties and a great trust according to these abilities.  Ta‘lim al-asma is an indicator and a reflection of this ability and duty. Since it lighten the first period of humanity, it is of great importance to examine this event from different perspectives. There is a close relationship between the content of the verse and the verses in the Qur'an. This relationship provides a better understanding of the Qur'an. Some verses in the Quran contain al-Asma’ al-Husna, often known as the names of God. The verse and names of God stated in the verse are connected in a significant network. Understanding the names of God is essential for comprehending the events and truths that exist in the cosmos since everything in the universe is a mirror of names of God. A greater knowledge of the Quran is made possible by this meaning relationship. Even though the Talim-i Esmâ phenomena has been the subject of numerous investigations, the connection between it and names of God has not received enough attention. In this study, this event has been tried to be clarified in line with the meanings of the names Al-‘Alîm (All knowing) and Al-Hakîm (The Perfectly Wise) in the verse (2:32) of the Qur’ān, in which the ta‘lim al-asma event is to be mentioned. Following the explanation of the fundamental components of this event, namely the creation of man, his caliphate, and Talîm-i Asma, these components were interpreted by viewing them through a perspective of knowledge and wisdom.


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How to Cite

Avcı, V. (2023). Teaching the Names of Things to Hz Adam (a) in the Light of the Names of al-Alîm and al-Hakîm. Tanım Tenkit Teori, (1), 15–29. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10452659