Examining The Relationship Between Spiritual Orientation And Parental Attitudes in Women

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  • Zeynep Zehra Durgun İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University




Spirituality, Spiritual Counseling, Parental Attitudes, Woman, Family.


When a person is born, he is shaped according to the family he is in. Their first teachers were their parents. The attitudes of these teachers while raising their children bear traces that will affect the lives of their children. Parental attitudes include all interactions between parents and children. The individual applies what he has learned from his parents' attitudes when he is alone with the problems he experiences. Faulty attitudes of parents disrupt the healthy development of the individual. One of the areas that was disrupted was spirituality. It is very important that spirituality has been examined as an important influence in psychology recently. It has been observed that the physical and spiritual change and evolution of human life has an important place in various psychology, medicine and psychiatry studies, where spirituality and religious teachings are influential. The effects of democratic parental attitudes, authoritarian parental attitudes, and protective/demanding parental attitudes, which are considered as parental attitudes, on the psychological development of young people have been the subject of research. Religion aims to create the ideal human type by shaping people in line with the teachings sent by them of their own free will. As a natural result of this, parental attitudes are realized in people who believe in the same religion, manifesting themselves in the values, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors formed by their personality traits and religious beliefs. In the study, the relationship between women's orientation towards spirituality and parental attitudes was examined. Using the parental attitude scale and the spirituality scale together on women made the study different from others. Spiritual counseling tries to create a stronger spiritual orientation for the individual by affirming the wrong attitudes in parents In this study, the relational screening method, one of the types of quantitative research, was used. 'Spirituality Scale', 'Parental Attitudes Scale' and 'Personal Information Form' prepared to obtain demographic information were used as data collection tools in the study. As a result of the research, it was found that there was a statistically significant relationship between spirituality and child-rearing attitudes in 387 women; A significant correlational relationship was observed between the sub-dimensions of the Spirituality Scale and the Parenting Attitude Scale in some sub-dimensions.


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How to Cite

Durgun, Z. Z. (2023). Examining The Relationship Between Spiritual Orientation And Parental Attitudes in Women. Tanım Tenkit Teori, (1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10452681