Ailede Mahremiyet Eğitimi, Mustafa Mücahit, Dem Publications, December 2023, 212 pages, e-ISBN: 978-605-72730-8-6

Criticism of book

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Privacy Education in the Family, Islamic Ethics, Violation of Privacy,, Cultural Accumulation, Moral Knowledge,


The work titled "Intimacy Education in the Family" deals with comprehensive evaluations on privacy in the fields of religion, morality and culture from past to present. Within the framework of these evaluations, the author's approach to the issue of privacy is revealed. The author includes examples of possible examples of privacy education, along with frequently repeated references to the necessity of privacy education. Thus, it is seen that the author aims for a qualitative study as emphasized in different parts of the work. It is noticed that the author aims for an interdisciplinary benefit with the principles he observes within the framework of his thesis on privacy. As a matter of fact, the author maintains this characteristic with his original comments on the necessity of privacy under the headings. It can be said that the questions asked throughout the work draw attention to the author and encourage the reader to think about the subject. The author, who seems to create awareness in the reader, keeps the reader active in the process of how a qualitative interpretation is formed with these semantic inferences. Which issues are subject to personal privacy? In which situations do privacy violations, which differ according to the types of privacy but are handled as a requirement of the subject, occur? What are the limits of freedom within the framework of the concept of privacy and how are these limits created? What is the effect of religion on privacy education and what are the methods of privacy education in this context?  With which methods and techniques should the child gain a sense of privacy? What is the source of privacy? What kind of accumulation does this source have?  With these questions, the author discusses and seeks answers throughout the work. Thus, instead of a shallow narrative, the author enriches and expands the subject with his findings and suggestions. In this respect, it is seen that the work is the product of a meticulous and supervised, yet devoted work in the background. 


Mücahit, M. (2023), Ailede Mahremiyet Eğitimi, Dem Yayınları, İstanbul.



How to Cite

Baylu, N. (2024). Ailede Mahremiyet Eğitimi, Mustafa Mücahit, Dem Publications, December 2023, 212 pages, e-ISBN: 978-605-72730-8-6: Criticism of book. Tanım Tenkit Teori, (2), 45–50.